Person Centered Plan (PCP): This is the written plan which includes important information about the person (preferences, strengths, and abilities). The supports and services describe what is needed to support the desires and needs of the person. There are expected outcomes to measure for change at later meetings
Goal: A goal describes the general direction or activity that the person wants to accomplish. It can be short term or long term (1-5 years)
Objective: The objective tells how and when the goal will be reached. Small steps to success!
Need: Describes the challenge and help required to attain goals.
Circle of Support/Planning Team: The planning team members are participants in the circle of support or planning conference that results with an in-person centered plan for the participant.
PCP Celebration/ Party with a Purpose: A gathering with the participant and circle of support/ planning team to talk with the participant about their goals and dreams. The participant chooses the team.
Personal Timeline: A schedule developed to attain the goals, with support people to assist in completion
IF: A person (s) (paid or/ and unpaid) who helps with planning your life.
FMS: The vendored financial management service that acts as a bank to assist with money management.
Personal Budget/ Spending Plan: The money allowed every year with the services and supports described to pay for my life with monthly accounting by the FMS.
Generic Service: Service or support that is provided by an agency that has a legal responsibility to serve all members of the general public and is receiving public funds for providing those services. Available to the general community, not just those served by regional centers such as Medi-Cal, In-Home Supportive Services, and private health insurance. These must be used first before using funds from the budget.
Inclusive Setting: A place that is part of the general community of which a participant works and lives.
Individual Program Plan (IPP): A planning document. The Individual Program Plan is prepared in a standard format according to specific instructions. An Individual Program Plan is developed through a process of individualized needs determination and embodies an approach centered on the person and family, including the regional center representative who has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the regional center,
Regional Center: A regional center is a private, non-profit, agency that is under contract with the Department of Developmental Services to coordinate services and support for persons with developmental disabilities.
Service Coordinator (SC): An individual who is responsible for implementing, overseeing, and monitoring a consumer's IPP. The service coordinator may be an employee of the regional center or may be a qualified individual or employee of an agency with whom the regional center has contracted to provide service coordination services (Welfare & Institutions Code Section 4647(b)). Where appropriate, a consumer or the consumer’s parents or other family members, legal guardian or conservator, may perform all or part of the duties of the service coordinator if the regional center director agrees and it is feasible
Services/ Resources/ Supports: The people and equipment needed for a meaningful life of personal choice.